...from a BookLover

Sunday, 24 June 2012

England is all about books

England is the perfect place to go book-hunting. Firstly, almost all the books are obviously in English (I prefer reading English books - I find the language so much richer than Norwegian). Secondly, there are just so many bookstores and markets there! I love roaming about on markets and second-hand bookstores. I can linger by some tables or shelves filled with books in a far-away corner for a long time just looking for the perfect book - or books, as I normally emerge from such a place with more than one...! I have found some really lovely books over there. Whenever I visit England I tend to bring back home a suitcase filled with books. Did you know that 30 or so books are really heavy?! I guess you do..

Last summer we drove around England. On the way we encountered this little booktown - Hay-on-Wye. Wherever you turned you found yourself on the doorstep of a shop filled with books of all kinds. You even found books outside up stairs and in backyards. It was an amazing experience! I definitely have to go back.

Hay-on-Wye hosts a big literature festival each year. It is so popular that I was told you had to book your accomodation a really long time in advance. Like, a really long time. I am thinking it would be worth it, though, just to be there and meet all the book enthusiasts that surely find their way there. Imagine the fun!

One of the many books I picked up was this:
Is it not lovely? I simply had to bring it with me.

A link to the festival (if you are interested):

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