Another collection of mine is "Isfolket" ("The Legend of the Ice People") written by Margit Sandemo. Now, I have never read these in English (and sadly only about 5 books are published in English to my knowledge), but I absolutely love the Norwegian version. The series follow a special family through centuries. It has it all; love, tragedy, supernatural powers and events, good vs evil, mythological creatures and historical facts. The characters are lovable or terrible, and the story keeps surprising you.

The first books of the series were published in paperback a couple of years before I was born, and the last in 1989. My mum began reading the series a couple of years after the first books came out, and I used to borrow her books when I was young. After moving away from home I realised it would be difficult for me to be able to read the series again - it is a 47-volume series, so even a two-week vacation left me struggling with enough time. I figured I had to buy the series myself. I am a stubborn collector, so, obviously, I could not be satisfied with later editions - it had to be the first one. I have therefore spent a few years trying to find the entire series in this first edition, and last year my sister came upon the last book I needed to complete the series - I could not at first believe it when she called, saying she had found it. I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent in search of these treasured books. Ah, that shear joy of finally having them all on the shelf!

Sandemo has also written two other series that connects to "The Legend of the Ice People". The first, "Heksemesteren" ("The Warlock" - not yet published in English), is about another family that links up to the Ice People from time to time. The two series merge into the third, "Legenden om Lysets Rike" ("The Legend of the Realm of Light" - also not published in English).

How I wish someone would publish all these books in English for you to read! "The Ice People" has been published in several other languages and is immensely popular. For now I can only suggest you all refresh your memories on whichever available language...or simply learn Norwegian.
The books are a rare treat!
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