...from a BookLover

Sunday, 26 August 2012

A scary teaser!

Now, the first line in a book is very important. It sets the plot, so to speak. This is not the first time I have shared an opening line as a teaser, but I do beg your pardon - I simply had to, yet again.

The teaser is from the book "Out of the Depths" by Cathy MacPhail.
"I saw my teacher in the queue at the supermarket last Christmas. Miss Baxter. I was surprised to see her. She'd been dead for six months." 

I quite liked this book. It is a short teenage read (I read it in a few hours), but the story was captivating. I really felt so sorry for Tyler! I could not put the book down until I knew the entire story to the end. I am looking forward to reading more about her in future novels, and I think I might have a snoop around to see what other books by this author I can get my hands on. My imagination tells me there must be other good ones out there, too...!

More teaser's
"Flukten fra virkeligheten"
"Should Be Reading"


  1. Fantastisk början på en bok :)

    1. Ja, ikke sant?! Setter stemningen med en gang :)

  2. Takk for smakebiten!
    Ha en fin uke!:)

  3. Det var en fantastisk åpning, det må jeg si. Boken settes herved opp på min ønskeliste, Caz.

    1. Ja, den er virkelig fengende. I tillegg er det en meget viktig setning som forklarer mye av det som skjer videre! Håper du liker den - god lesning, Mari! :)


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