...from a BookLover

Monday, 3 December 2012

Good Omens - all Hell breaks loose

Another brilliant book from Neil Gaiman - and Terry Pratchett. I have not read it through yet, but from what I have read so far this is one funny book.

What happens if the angel does the wrong thing, and the demon the right thing? Is that even possible?
What happens when the world is going to end next Saturday according to prophecy?
Well, rather a lot...

In this novel, the two authors have combined their imagination and somewhat obscure view of the world and the things in it, added a big dose of humour and storytelling - and hence ended up with a book about The Apocalypse you never thought you would read. Which, now that you do know of it, you obviously must read. I hope you like it.

Here is a teaser from Good Omens, p. 4:
Eventually Crawly said, "Didn't you have a flaming sword?" 
"Er," said the angel. A guilty expression passed across his face, and then came back and camped there.
"You did, didn't you?" said Crawly. "It flamed like anything."  
"Er, well--" 
"It looked very impressive, I thought." 
"Yes, but, well--" 
"Lost it, have you?" 
"Oh no! No, not exactly lost, more--" 
Aziraphale looked wretched. "If you must know," he said, a trifle testily, "I gave it away."
More teasers:
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Should Be Reading


  1. That is a good teaser! Thanks got sharing.

    1. Haha, I thought so, too :) It really sets the tone, does it not? Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I didn't like "Good Omens" when I first read it over three years ago. I wonder if I'd feel differently about it now though.

    1. And I have had it on my shelf for a while, thinking it just seems too weird! However, I love their writing style - the humour, the irony, the fantastic characters and worlds all blend together to make unique books, so I imagine I will love this one too (I am only two-thirds through the book as we speak). Perhaps give it another go one day, then? :)


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