...from a BookLover

Sunday, 7 July 2013

A teaser from The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

I absolutely love this book, and thought I would share a little bit with you today. I find it so happy, so comforting and adorable.

There is a short animation made of the book as well that I posted some time ago - you should check it out if you are curious!

This is so true, right? Sometimes I truly get lost in books 

Now, here is today's teaser

"Morris tried to keep the books in some sort of order, but they always mixed themselves up. The tragedies needed cheering up and would visit with the comedies. The encyclopedias, weary of facts, would relax with the comic books and fictions. All in all it was an agreeable jumble." 
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

What do you think? Have you read it before? If you have not I suggest you go find yourself a copy of your own - you will absolutely come to love it.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce

Looking for more teasers?
Flukten fra virkeligheten
Should Be Reading


  1. Låter spännande. Tack för smakebiten!

  2. Spennende bok! Denne må jeg sjekke ut, takk for tips :)

  3. Så spennende bok!:) Virket jo skikkelig fin:)
    Takk for tips og smakebit!

    1. Det var meg en sann glede! Håper du blir å like denne like godt som jeg gjør :)


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