...from a BookLover

Sunday, 16 March 2014

An uncharacteristic teaser

So, I picked up this book a few months back. It was called "The Boy who could see Demons" - which I thought sounded vastly interesting. The blurb on the back reads:

"... I can also see demons. My best friend is one. He likes Mozart, table tennis and bread and butter pudding. My mum is sick. Ruen says he can help her. Only Ruen wants me to do something really bad. He wants me to kill someone."

It was an interesting book - only not for the reasons I thought it would be. I was in for a real surprise. I am not going to tell you much more, though, as I want you to keep an open mind if you decide to read this book.

My teaser:

"Michael leaned back in his chair, his gaze turned to a poster on the wall by my bookcase. 
          'Suspicion often creates what it suspects,' 
he said, reading the poster. There was a question in his tone."
The Boy who could see Demons, p. 25

However, I can tell you that I was not impressed in the beginning and was getting concerned that this would be a disappointment. It started out rather slow, and the story confused me as it was not what I expected it to be (the last part would be my fault, of course, as I thought I had already placed the book in its appropriate athmosphere - and clearly got it all wrong). The grammar and language were also barriers that threatened to throw me off the hook.

Luckily, these were all minor issues that could be ignored as the story unfolded. The book simply got better and better, and towards the end I was so anxious to see where it would end up I found it difficult to put it down at all!

It is a thought-provoking book. It also gave me some small insight in matters I had no knowledge about, and that alone was worth the read. I believe the story deserves to be read. If you decide to pick it up, I hope you enjoy it.

The Boy who could see Demons
by Carolyn Jess-Cooke

More teasers?
Flukten fra virkeligheten
Should Be Reading


  1. Ja det är problematiskt det där om man förutsätter att boken ska vara på ett sätt och sen är den helt annorlunda.

    1. Ikke sant! På en måte var det jo veldig positivt iom at jeg dermed leste en bok jeg kanskje ellers ikke ville ha valgt :)

  2. Thanks for the tip :). Have a nice day!

  3. Tusen takk for smakebiten :-) Ha en fin søndag!

  4. Det hørtes ut som en bok jeg kunne like! Tusen takk for fint tips og ha en flott søndag!

    1. Værsågod! Håper den faller i smak, i så tilfelle ;)

  5. Sounds interesting ab maybe a book I would like. Thanks! And have a nice Sunday!

    1. I hope you will if you decide to track it down and read it :) You are most welcome!

  6. Det er jo det jeg alltid håper på.........at en bok jeg starter på skal bli bedre hvis den har en dårlig start, men det er da ikke så ofte det skjer. Morsomt når det skjer! Ble nysgjerrig på leseopplevelsen din, så jeg noterer den ned så får jeg se:) Kos deg videre!:)

    1. Ja, ikke sant? Jeg kan være ganske så sta når jeg først har tatt fatt på en bok - jeg prøver alltid å få lest den ferdig, ofte i håp om at den skal bli bedre, som du sier :) Takk det samme!

  7. Bra poster tycker jag, precis så där är det ju. Tack för smakebiten!

  8. Låter som en spännande bok, tack för tipset :)

  9. Intressant smakbit. Blev sugen på att läsa. Ha en bra söndag!

  10. Never heard of the book, but sounds interesting :)

    1. It was interesting, too - that is the best part :)

  11. Sounds like a very interesting book. Thank´s for the tip. :)

    1. I hope you enjoy it if you get to try it :)


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