...from a BookLover

Sunday, 9 September 2012

A slightly disturbing teaser

I love Neil Gaiman's work. Rarely do I come upon an author who writes so adversely as he does. His stories are unbelievably different from each other; they vary from enchanting love stories to disturbing nightmares and haunted fairytales, yet at the same time they reflect a man who's incredible imagination and ingenuity forces us to think again. His combinations of everyday life with the rather unusual twist will not leave you unharmed. Consider yourself warned. Gaiman really does do magic, you see.
"  'Hold out your hand,' she told him, 'and I'll tell yer fortune.' He did as he was told. She put her old hand into his, and held it tightly, and then she blinked a few times, like an owl who had swallowed a mouse that was beginning to disagree with it. 'You got a long way to go...' she said, puzzled. 
    'London,' Richard told her. 
    'Not just London...' the old woman paused. 'Not any London I know.' It started to rain, then, softly. 'I'm sorry,' she said. 'It starts with doors.' 
    She nodded. The rain fell harder, pattering on the roofs and on the asphalt of the road. 'I'd watch out for doors if I were you.'  "

"Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman
More teasers:


  1. I'm a Gaiman fan, I loved Coraline, and my son and I are reading The Graveyard Book together. This sounds awesome, I'm putting it on the to-read list! Thanks for the teaser :)

    1. I love The Graveyard Book! The entire idea is so amazing :) A great idea to share that book with your son, and I truly hope he will like it as much as I do. Reading with children is a wonderful thing - and so much fun. You are very welcome :)

  2. I recognized the passage this came from ... Neverwhere is one of my favourite reads.

    1. I am not surprised you did :) This might very well become one of my favourite reads, too! I really enjoy the book :)


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